Monday Nov 13, 2023

EP1//What is confidence and where does it come from?

What is confidence and where does it come from?

Confidence is defined by as belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities and also defined as the belief that you can rely on something or someone. But who do you want to rely on? You want to rely on yourself. When times get hard can you depend on you? Check out the lyrics to the theme song for the hit TV show Friends,  I'll be there for you by The Rembrandts it's a great song with a great message. When times get tough can't you imagine singing this little jingle to yourself? I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour!

What we do know from research is that confidence leads to greater salaries and greater happiness. Although those are fantastic reasons to desire more confidence, they are not the only things in our lives that are impacted by it.

When you have confidence, you have better relationships. You have a desire to share your life with others without the need for others because you know you have the ability to sustain yourself. If you are confident, you are more comfortable inside your body and inside your own mind. When you are confident, you have learned to be uncomfortable without needing to lean on drugs, food or alcohol to survive that feeling of being uncomfortable. 

Confidence allows you to have peace about yourself even when another person doesn’t like you or regard you with respect. When you are confident you believe in yourself, and you are willing to go for those BIG, BIG dreams even when no one else believes it can be done. It gives you the ability to do scary things because you trust yourself enough to have your own back even if you fail

Confidence is knowing you will be okay. It’s knowing that okayness is overrated and it is temporary especially if you continue to be courageous and stretch yourself to higher limits. Confidence is the ability to be wrong and vulnerable but be strong anyway. It’s knowing that a good cry doesn’t mean you are weak, that it makes you stronger because you don’t let that cry define you. It’s getting back up and dusting yourself off when you get thrown off. It’s something that is deep inside you. Confidence can be nurtured and fed. It can be built. It’s a certainty that you can learn from a mistake and do it better the next time around. Your confidence can be stronger after you experience a period of weakness when you realize, I will survive. Confidence is fluid and ever changing. Just like you. 

Confidence requires trust. If you do not trust yourself, you cannot build confidence. There are things that we do that destroy the trust we have in ourselves every single day. This is one way we kill confidence without realizing it. I will cover this topic in much greater detail in a future episode. I promise you won’t want to miss how you build trust within yourself. You will instantly begin building your confidence.

Confidence requires the willingness to test and fail.

This is the skill part. Skills are honed and sharpened by practice. Practice requires action. Action requires willingness. Notice I didn’t say Ability. You have to be able to “do it anyway” even when you are scared or nervous. Each time you exercise this muscle you will build more confidence. Even if you fail, you get feedback or learn something. This learning and feedback moves you forward and helps you create belief. That belief becomes confidence.

Confidence can be borrowed.

When confidence is low, it is possible to borrow confidence for a short time. You might call this motivation instead of confidence. However, it can help you build your confidence when you don’t have it.

Borrowing confidence might be calling a friend who always believes in you, going to a Tony Robbins training, or listening to The Crazy Confidence Coach podcast on confidence! These activities will give you a short term boost and maybe just enough energy to build a skill that will be more sustainable. You cannot become confident on borrowed confidence alone. You can’t just post affirmations around the house and read them without action and expect to be more confident.

You have to be willing to work on mindset by managing your mind.

You have to be willing to take action and fail. 


Are you ready to build your confidence?

Are you ready to find that crazy confident version of you?

Join THE CRAZY CONFIDENCE CAMP. My signature course on getting you to crazy confident in a way you have never been before.

Join the wait list and be the first to hear about it when it launches. Email with the subject line "CAMP I'm in!"

If you are tired of struggling and want to experience one on one coaching. I'll be there for you. Email me at  to set up your first session. 


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