Tuesday Dec 12, 2023

EP5//Getting Prepared for 2024. Eight Steps to Guide You Into a Successful and Confident New Year! Part 2.

EP5 Getting Prepared for 2024. Eight Steps to Guide You Into a Successful and Confident New Year! Part 2

The final steps. Steps 6 through 8.

Step Six

Add your goals to your calendar. This will need to be done in steps for some goals. You will take each goal and break it down into actionable goals. You will sit down with your calendar.

First, add what dates and times you would like to take off for vacation or mark your family time or if it’s just you and your husband it can be your quality time together. Mark all of that into your calendar.

Then you will use the dates you want to accomplish your goal to back into the other steps of your goal. Example might be I want to declutter and rearrange each room in my home. You wouldn’t put this on one day on your calendar. You would need to make the list of your micro goals. In this case it would be each room in your home. Kitchen, living room, dining room, master bedroom, guest bedroom, office. Then you would decide what amount of time it would take for each room. This may be different for each room. Your kitchen may take longer than a guest bedroom because it has more stuff that is used daily. Take note of this. For me I might pick one night a week to work on that project or maybe an hour each Saturday. This would go in my calendar for each Tuesday night from 7pm to 8 pm I schedule to work on this task. It would probably take me multiple weeks for each room so I would make sure to allot for that time. It could be that I know I have a Saturday or a specific say off and want to commit several hours to this task. Write it in your calendar.

This process is the same for you if you are a business owner and you have a goal that requires a large time commitment. Break it down into micro goals and add it to your calendar accordingly. For me it is helpful to do a similar tasks each week at certain times of the week. This helps me when I have reached a goal or completed large task I can fill that time slot in with a new similar goal or task.

Step Seven

is working on your mindset. This may be the most important step. If you don’t do this step and you happen to have a limiting mindset around a goal or task you have on your list it may not get done. Mattter of fact if you have a goal or task that is a repeat goal or task that never gets done or you never hit the goal it is HIGHLY likely you have a limiting belief you aren’t even aware of.  Take a quick look at your goals and do a little digging. Run each one past my D.I.R.T. acronym.  


D = What are the doubts that come up about your goals? If there a lack of conviction. Do you feel comfortable with the goal?


I = What are the insecurities about yourself regarding the goal? Is there something that you consider in yourself that is not enough or lack the ability to do what is needed to reach your goal?


R = What resistance do you have to your goal? Let’s use the goal going to the gym after work three times a week. Do you automatically think it’s going to be hard? Are you already feeling yourself resist doing the actions that you are required to do to make this happen? For instance, maybe you feel a bit overwhelmed about having to pack work out bag three days a week. Or having to go longer without eating dinner. Write all of that out.


T= What are your primary thoughts about the goal and reaching the goal you set for yourself? Let’s say the goal about going to the gym three times a week you have a thought. You have to be very organized and committed to go to the gym three times each week. This in and of itself isn’t a bad thought. However, if you don’t believe yourself to be organized and committed you will never reach your goal of going three times a week. You have to believe you can do what you set out to do. Sometimes, this requires thought work on your behalf. The difficult part is that often we aren’t even aware we have thoughts that are preventing us from reaching our goals.


Let’s use another example: If your goal for 2024 is to make more money but you believe people who make a lot of money are selfish or cruel or have more than their share. You will sabotage yourself to not make more money. Unless you identify with being selfish, cruel, and want to have more than your share.


Your beliefs come from thoughts that are shared with us as we are growing up or even inside institutions we work or play in. It is important to intentionally evaluate those thoughts and make a decision which thoughts you want to keep and what thoughts are just preventing you from being your best crazy confident self.


My specialty is helping people identify what’s keeping them from reaching their goals. Those pesky little thoughts really are important to identify.


Step Eight

The last step is actually two exercises  I like to have my clients do is super fun or at least I think it is.


You will write two thank you letters to yourself.


First letter, you will write is a letter thanking yourself for 2023. Think about all the challenges you faced, maybe you had a health scare, maybe you lost a friend or family member, or maybe you had a record year while building a business. Whatever you did and accomplished or endured for your 2023 write yourself a thank you for sticking with it. If you have the thought you didn’t stick with something, maybe you didn’t reach a goal. That’s okay. Write yourself in a way that is apologetic but not judgmental or mean, just acknowledge the good and what your year was like. A great way to review your year is to look over your calendar all the way back to Jan 2023 and you can look through photos you took during the year. This will jog your memory and help you get back in touch with all the happenings of the year. You most likely did this to some degree in step one.


The last and final exercise of my eight step process is to write yourself a letter as if you are sitting at your desk on December 31st or 2024. You have already completed the year. This letter will be written as if you have already accomplished all your goals. Include in it appreciation for the commitment and the actions that it took to accomplish all the goals you have decided to make and are ready to intentionally reach. Thank yourself for the tenacity it took to overcome any obstacles that came your way. You might thank yourself for fighting through the times when you want to give up on your goals. Be detailed, be gracious. Consider how you might speak to a friend that you witnessed having a spectacular year.


This makes an imprint in your mind that you are already capable and will reach your goals.


Once you finish the final letter, you are going to feel amazing. You will feel reinvigorated, and your mind will feel free to go do what you laid out for it to do. It is impowering to create the life you want rather than allow a default life to happen to you.

Go to www.thecrazyconfidencecoach.com to grab your copy of the Eight Steps to Guide You Into a Successful and Confident New Year!

I am giving away 10 1:1 coaching calls that are 2024 planning. To grab your spot go to www.thecrazyconfidencecoach.com and sign up for the complimentary free 2024 planning session. Only one complimentary session per person for up to ten people. So, if you interested grab your spot today!

Want one on one coaching? I've got you! Schedule your discovery call or sign up and schedule your first coaching call today! Just go to  www.thecrazyconfidencecoach.com 

Happy December 12th! Before you know it…in exactly 20 days we will ring in the New Year!

Let’s make it a year you will be proud of!!


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