Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

EP22// How to Use Curiosity to Help Build Your Confidence

Think about the last time you felt crazy confident? Was it after a big accomplishment? Did you do something you were proud of and felt on top of the world? Was it one morning over breakfast as you had your coffee alongside your husband and your children and just felt fulfilled, content, and completely confident life was going well? When we reflect on what we have accomplished especially if it has been a long or a difficult road, we often feel confident in ourselves and our abilities.

Have you ever really thought about how your brain comes to believe you can handle whatever comes your way?

Your brain needs practice, experiences, and reinforcement. The more you expose yourself to new and challenging things, the more your brain will believe you can handle whatever comes your way. Ultimately, these are the building blocks for confidence.

Curiosity can help you achieve that practice, experience, and reinforcement.

Curiosity is what drives you to seek out new experiences and thus create success through trying new things. When you challenge yourself by stepping into new experiences you continue to build that bridge in your brain that you are capable of accomplishing new things. Each time you try something and succeed you become more and more confident.

It's also helpful to surround yourself with other people who are curious and want to constantly learn and explore. When we are around people who have accomplished things we haven’t we can learn from them, become more motivated to try things out of our norm, and again we become more confident. At the very least meeting people who have done something we never thought possible or didn’t believe we could do ourselves, allows our brains to explore the possibilities and if we maintain a curiosity we are much more likely to explore the possibility for ourselves.


Are you struggling with confidence? Are you overwhelmed with self-doubt and negative thinking and know there has to be a better way. Don’t worry. I’ve got you. I offer a Free Confidence Audit that will result in you getting 2 tips for how you can start to increase your confidence today.

Go to www.thecrazyconfidencecoach.com and sign up for your Confidence Audit today!

Send me a quick email at heather@hcedwardscoaching.com with any questions you may have about coaching or confidence!


Connect: heather@hcedwardscoaching.com


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hcedwardscoaching/


Free Coaching Audit: https://thecrazyconfidencecoach.com/


Book 1:1 Coaching: https://thecrazyconfidencecoach.com/


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